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System Planning and Research Manager

Closing Date September 25, 2022 closed

Job Description/Key Resonsibilities

The Guyana Power & Light Inc. invites applications from interested candidates with the requisite qualifications and experience to fill the vacancy of System Planning and Research Manager.

JOB PURPOSE: To plan, organise, coordinate and administer the execution of all works within the System Planning and Research Department, within the framework of the Divisional Business Plan, inclusive of being responsible for the general administration of an efficient and effective Department to support the Division’s Mission.


  1. Annual Work Plan of the System Planning and Research Department.
  2. Annual Budget of the System Planning and Research Department.
  3. Monthly Reports of the System Planning and Research Department.
  4. Development and Expansion Programme and/or Integrated Resource and Resilience Plan, within the framework of GPL License to Provide Electric Services.
  5. Annual Demand Forecast of Electricity and Power Demand.
  6. Technical and Economic Feasibility Studies for Power System Expansion.
  7. Environment and Social Impact Assessment for Power System Expansion.
  8. Technical Loss Assessments Reports.
  9. Staff Performance Plan and Annual Staff Appraisal.
  10. Staff Learning and Development Plan for Human Resource Capacity Building.


  1. Supervise the Head of Demand Forecasting, Head of Generation & Network Planning, Head of Integrated Resource & Resiliency Units and Confidential Secretary to ensure administrative, technical and financial management procedures are established and adhered to.
  2. Administer efficiently; the daily and planned activities, resources of the Department, within the framework of the Safety and Health Regulations of Guyana Power & Light Inc.
  3. Prepare and submit monthly departmental reports on Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) and other achievements, inclusive of highlighting areas for improvements and the necessary resources, within the statutory time schedule.
  4. Prepare and/or approve acquisition of resources to continuously support the efficient and effective administrative and technical operations of the Department.
  5. Orient, mentor, and coach direct reports and other department staff to aid in their development of special knowledge and job skill sets, within the framework of the Divisional Business Plan.
  6. Perform gap assessment(s) of human resource capacity and identify suitable learning and development resource(s) and plan(s) to improve the individual and overall performance of the Department, within the framework of the Divisional Business Plan.
  7. Prepare annual operational and capital budgets, and monitoring of all expenditures to ensure conformity with budget guidelines.
  8. Administer and dispense industrial discipline in keeping with the Company’s Disciplinary Policy/Procedure.
  9. Enforce strict compliance with the requirements of the Safety and Health Legislation, Regulations and Contractual/Work Agreement obligations.
  10. Ensure the working environment or area under control, inclusive of mobile assets belonging to the company, are hygienic and safe for staff accommodation and use.
  11. Investigate and submit written recommendations concerning infractions of Safety and Health Legislation, Regulations and Contractual/Work agreement obligations.
  12. Perform semi-annual staff performance appraisal as per statutory requirements/guidelines of the Performance Management System (PMS).
  13. Coordinate with Governmental and Non-Governmental Stakeholders for data collection and updating of the Development and Expansion Programme and/or Integrated Resource and Resilience Plan, where applicable as per GPL License to Provide Electric Services.
  14. Oversee the development/updating and implementation of effective load forecasting methods.
  15. Develop sustainable renewable energy grid integration plans for small to utility-scale renewable energy systems.
  16. Supervise the evaluation of plant performance and determine the usefulness of generating facilities against the backdrop of operating with a cheaper fuel or the need for a plant retirement schedule.
  17. Administer relevant procedures to determine the technically and economically optimised generation mix for the electricity sector, using indigenous and non- indigenous resources, to de-risk the power system of fossil fuel price volatility and improving the affordability of the cost of electricity to customers.
  18. Manage the development and completion of all technical and economic feasibility and, environmental and social impact studies for sustainable power system expansions.
  19. Administer the Bid Evaluation process for generation candidates; renewable and non-renewable within the framework of the Company’s SUCCESS (Quality of Service, Up-time, Coverage, Compliance, Efficiency, Safety & Security and Sustainability), and GPL License to Provide Electric Services.
  20. Prepare Bankable Project Documents in support of Expansion Projects.
  21. Assist in the process of securing finance for Expansion Projects.
  22. Administer the implementation of Generation, Transmission and Primary Distribution Plans, and engage with relevant stakeholders at the initial stage and throughout the execution phases of all power system expansion projects.
  23. Coordinate and supervise works concerning technical loss assessment studies.
  24. Perform other duties that are pertinent to the objectives of the Divisional Business Plan and to support the Company’s Corporate Strategic Plan, as assigned by or through the Divisional Director – Engineering Services.

Required Competencies


Core/ LeadershipSkill Level & ImportanceDescription/ Behaviours
Adaptability & Managing Change3H·         Helps others adapt to a changing work environment and to embrace change

·         Promotes the benefits of a proposed change

·         Takes time to question; understand and speak to the underlying needs of stakeholders beyond those initially expressed.

·         Makes/recommends changes to work processes or systems to improve business results.

·         Develops plans and prioritises resources to effectively implement change

·         Remains focused on the desired outcome to help self and others implement

Communication3H·         Tailors the content of speech and written communication to suit the level, cultural background and experience of the audience.

·         Establishes communication plans and strategies.

·         Anticipates and prepares for others reactions, adapting tactics to create a specific impact.

·         Communicates complex issues clearly and credibly with widely varied audiences

Decision Making3H·         Makes complex decisions for which there are no set procedures.

·         Develops innovative solutions that address the root cause of the problem and prevent recurrence.

·         Aligns decisions with organizational goals, direction, ethics and values.

·         Anticipates obstacles and thinks ahead about steps.

·         Makes sound business decisions when faced with complex and contradictory alternatives

·         Defines, communicates and consistently exemplifies the organization’s values & ethic

Results Oriented3H·         Tackles difficult problems and takes personal responsibility for reaching solutions.

·         Sees obstacles as challenges and develops innovative strategies to overcome them.

·         Strives for continuous improvement and creative solutions.

·         Sets challenging goals and objectives and measures performance against these.

·         Demonstrates the ability to use corporate resources and expertise to achieve desired results.

Teamwork3H·         Proactively solicits ideas and opinions and shares information and learning with others.

·         Addresses conflicts or issues within the team in a positive and open manner.

·         Provides clear feedback to team members.

·         Uses understanding of different interests and agendas to achieve positive outcomes.

·         Engages others in collaborative problem-solving, encouraging them to share their ideas and opinions.

·         Is open, sincere, and empathetic in dealing with all individuals and in all circumstances.

Leading and Developing Others3H·         Sets a strong example through own behavior.

·         Encourages an environment that fosters mutual support.

·         Gives specific feedback and expresses expectations for future performance.

·         Encourages and acts upon feedback to self.

·         Provides guidance, counsel, direction, and assistance to employees.

·         Provides challenging assignments and specific opportunities to broaden employees’ skills and experiences.

Safety3H·         Adheres to all safety rules safety and procedures on the job.;

·         Displays knowledge of all related occupational safety and health regulations;

·         Understands how to use and operate equipment safely



Required Qualifications and Experience

Master’s Degree in Electrical Engineering or equivalent Academic Qualifications from a recognised University and a minimum of five (5) years’ utility experience with a proven track record, which must be at a Managerial level in a Utility Company.


Bachelor’s Degree in Electrical Engineering or equivalent Academic Qualifications from a recognised University and a minimum of ten (10) years utility experience with a proven track record, which must be at a Managerial level in a Utility Company.

How to Apply

Applications should be submitted via our Vacancy Centre not later than September 25, 2022.