Expression of Interest: Technical Consultant for ± 10 MVAR STATCOM at New Sophia Substation
Job Description/Key Resonsibilities
GY-L1066: Energy Matrix Diversification and Institutional Strengthening of the Department of Energy (EMISDE)
Individual Consultancy
Technical Consultant for ± 10 MVAR STATCOM at New Sophia Substation
The Government of the Cooperative Republic of Guyana (CRoG) has received financing from the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB) towards a program for the Energy Matrix Diversification and Institutional Strengthening of the Department of Energy. The CRoG intends to apply part of the proceeds from Component II of the Program towards consulting services for reinforcement of the transmission infrastructure.
The objective of the consultancy is to complete the preparation of a Bidding Document including the Invitation for Bids to be used in a public tender for a contractor to complete the design, supply, erection, installation and commissioning of a ±10 MVAR STATCOM at New Sophia Substation.
The intended outcome of the consultancy is a completed and detailed Bidding Document including the Invitation for Bids for the ±10 MVAR STATCOM at New Sophia Substation, as part of the effective and efficient reinforcement of the transmission infrastructure in the Demerara-Berbice Interconnected System, under Component II of the Program.
The Consultant should have at least an accredited Bachelor of Science Degree in Electrical Engineering with a minimum of ten years general experience with five (5) years experience in the preparation of Bidding Documents for electrical power system projects, including STATCOM projects. Experience working in Guyana or the Caribbean and on IDB funded programs would be an added asset.
In order to be considered for short-listing, interested consultants having the relevant resources, qualifications and experience; and who are from the Bank’s Member Countries are herewith invited to submit their curriculum vitae showing the: (i) legal name of the Consultant; (ii) address; (iii) telephone number; (iv) e-mail address; (v) information about the Consultant and principal areas of expertise and activities; (vi) description of specific experience in power transmission engineering.
Interested consultants must provide information establishing that they are qualified to perform the services (description of similar assignments, experience in similar conditions, availability of appropriate skills, etc.).
The consultancy is to be executed over five (5) months in Georgetown, Guyana.
Interested consultants will be determined to be short-listed by demonstrating in their Expressions of Interest that they have the relevant qualifications and experience to carry out the services associated with this consultancy.
The working language of the consultancy will be English, and reports will therefore be presented in that language.
The consultant will be selected in accordance with the procedures set out in the Inter-American Development Bank: Policies for the Selection and Contracting of Consultants financed by the Inter-American Development Bank GN-2350-[9]. Only Individuals recognised from the Bank Member countries will be considered eligible.
Expressions of Interest must be made by email to the addresses shown below. Expressions of Interest are to be received no later than 15:00 hours on May 3, 2019
For submission/clarifications:
Program Coordinator
Power Utility Upgrade Program
Guyana Power & Light Incorporated
103 Carmichael Street,
Georgetown CC: