Health, Safety, Environmental & Laboratory Services Manager
Job Description/Key Resonsibilities
The Guyana Power & Light Inc. invites applications from interested candidates with the requisite qualifications and experience to fill the vacant position of Health, Safety Environmental & Laboratory Services Manager – Health, Safety, Environmental & Laboratory Services Department – Carmichael Street, Georgetown.
The incumbent will be responsible for the execution of the general administrative/managerial functions associated with Occupational Safety, Health and Environment Management inclusive of Fire Safety and Laboratory Services.
- Ensure that all statutory Occupational Safety, Health and Fire and Environmental Management Codes and Regulations are strictly adhered to, and records of activities comprehensively maintained.
- Determine and ensure that Licenses, Permits and or Registrations are acquired by the Company as appropriate.
- Develop, recommend, and implement policies on Safety, Health, Fire and Environmental Management and provide guidance to ensure compliance with rules and regulations.
- Manage Laboratory services and ensure that all KPI’s are met, and protocols followed as it relates to the quality, effectiveness and efficiency of the lab and its personnel.
- Ensure that all employees who handle and or are exposed to hazardous materials and or chemicals are apprised of their dangers and precautionary measures and actions to be taken in case of an accident/incident.
- Develop and implement Health Safety and Environmental Management Programs or activities to improve awareness of Occupational Safety and Health, Environment procedures in keeping with best practices.
- Evaluate PPE in accordance with the Tendering Procedure and distribute in accordance with the Collective Labour Agreements of the Unions.
- Provide guidance and recommendations on environmental aspects and impacts pertaining to the company’s operations.
- Ensure that, monthly, Safety and Environmental Inspection audits are carried out and evaluate and report with recommendations so that corrective action could be taken. This includes Fire Safety and Sanitation.
- Conduct and or direct studies and/or statistical analyses to identify hazards and evaluate potential for loss and prepare and submit reports on findings in a timely manner in an effort to facilitate corrective action.
- Investigate and advise on significant incidents of Occupational Health Safety and Environment Management.
- Review safe work practices with relevant Head of Departments and recommend for implementation where necessary.
- Conduct Risk Assessments on those aspects of the Company’s operations that may impact on the health of the community in which the Company’s operations are located.
- Develop recommend and implement accident prevention strategies with a view to achieving as far as practical, zero Industrial and Environmental Accidents.
- Review construction plans for new and existing buildings to ensure compliance with Safety, Health and Fire Environmental Regulations and ensure compliance.
- Monitor compliance with safe work practices and ensure appropriate procedures and policies and practices are in place.
- Ensure adequate systems are in place to monitor and control water, air and noise pollution within the plant environment and precinct; and collect water samples for chemical and microbiological analysis to determine compliance with established standards.
- Ensure that Contractors employed by the Company conduct their work activities in accordance with the Legal safety and environmental requirements.
- Ensure that all Workplace Health and Safety Committees are established and functioning in accordance with Health and Safety Laws.
- Prepare Departmental Budget in accordance with approved guidelines.
- In conjunction with the Public Relations Officer develop and implement information campaigns using posters and other printed material and other media.
- Supervise, orient, mentor and coach subordinate staff in an effort to aid their development of the requisite job skills.
- Ensure G.P.L. complies with conditions attached to environmental Permits.
- Perform other related duties that may be assigned to you within the scope of your employment, from an Authorized Officer.
Required Qualifications and Experience
Bachelor’s Degree in Chemistry or Environmental Management from the University of Guyana or an accredited institution, with at least ten (10) years’ relevant experience in the electricity sector.