Load Shedding Exercise June 8th and 9th, 2019

7th June 2019


June 8th and 9th, 2019

As a result of generation shortfall within the eastern half of the Demerara Berbice Interconnected System, a temporary load shedding exercise is being implemented on Saturday, June 8, 2019, between 08:00 to 16:00hrs and 18:00 hrs to 23:00hrs and Sunday, June 9, 2019 between 18:00 to 23:00hrs as follows:


Saturday, June 8, 2019

Sunday, June 9, 2018
08:00 to 16:00hrs18:00 to 23:00hrs18:00 to 23:00hrs

§  Lodge inclusive of Princes, Durban, Norton & Hadfield Streets.

§  Century Palm Gardens

§  Durban Backlands

§  Sections of Campbellville

§  Bel Air Park

§  Meadow Brook

§  Werk-en-Rust

§  A to E Fields Sophia



§  Craig to Nandy Park



§  Sections of Kingston

§  Sections of Cummingsburg & Lacytown areas inclusive of High St., Water St., Lamaha St., Carmichael St., Urquhart St., Mundy St., Main St., New Market St., Camp St., Quamina St., Church St.,  Avenue of the Republic, Robb St., Holmes St., Charlotte St.,  Hadfield St. and Brickdam

§  Alexander Village



§  Industrial Site Ruimveldt to Nandy Park



§  No. 54 Village to Skeldon


§  Water St between New Market St and Church St

§  Robb St between Avenue of the Republic and Water St

§  Access Rd to Cornhill St

§  Stabroek

§  Sections of Cummingsburg surrounding Camp, Lamaha & Waterloo Streets

§  Alexander Village

§  Riverview Ruimveldt

§  Charlestown

§  Wortmanville

§  Newburg

§  West Ruimveldt Estate Scheme

§  Public Road La Penitence



Nooten Zuil to Bygeval

Our Company remains cognizant of the inconveniences associated with this load shedding exercise and will endeavour to minimize the duration.

Additionally, we will continue to provide updates as they become available.