Expression of Interest- Consulting Firm to collect and collate network  data for CIS Transformer Module

Submission Status Closed



Consulting Firm to collect and collate network  data for CIS Transformer Module

The Government of the Cooperative Republic of Guyana has received financing from the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB) and the Caribbean Investment Facility (CIF) of the European Union (EU) towards a Power Utility Upgrade Program and it intends to apply part of the proceeds towards consulting services.

The Executing Agency, Guyana Power and Light Inc.(GPL) is seeking to hire a Consulting firm with experience in surveying and electrical distribution networks. The objective of the assignment is for the firm to collect and collate data regarding GPL’s distribution network and customers to populate the company’s Customer Information System(CIS) module.

The intended outcome is for GPL to have a fully documented medium and low voltage network linking to customers to facilitate better planning and operational efficiency in terms of managing its assets and customers and response to faults.

The successful firm will be guided by established procedures and data collection methodologies already tested by GPL. However, it should have the capacity to understand GPL’s system design in order to plan and execute the assignment. The firm will be responsible for recruiting, training and managing its own teams. Also for supplying all equipment and resources/materials to document specific data required on approximately 196,000 customers and feeder circuits and transformers across GPL’s network, with the exception of the Essequibo region. The duration of the consultancy is six (6) months.

In order to be considered for short-listing, interested consulting firms having the relevant resources, qualifications and experience are herewith invited to submit their Expressions of Interest (EOI) with no more than fifteen (15) pages, including:

(i) legal name of the Consulting Firm;

(ii) legal representative properly authorized to sign the declaration for and on behalf of the Firm;

(iii) address; (iv) telephone number and fax;

(iv) e-mail address of contact person and website;

(vi) information about the Consulting Firm organization and its principal areas of expertise and activities;

(vii) description of specific experiences in working with Distribution networks (viii) description of the specific experiences relevant to the activities listed above. The information requested in (vi), (vii), and (viii), should include, as a minimum: a description of the activities, the degree or percent of participation in the project, the execution period and dates, the level of responsibility held by the company in each project (technical, supervision or administrative responsibility), and the country and region with the location of the project. The curriculum vitae of potential personnel involved in the studies are not required at this stage

The Consulting Firm will establish its office in Georgetown, Guyana.  Site visits are expected to take place in the targeted communities for the project duration.

Interested consulting firms will be determined to be short-listed by demonstrating in their Expressions of Interest that they have the relevant resources, qualifications and experience whether by themselves or in conjunction with other eligible firms. As a result of the EOI’s evaluation, GPL will short list six (6) Consulting Firms or association of firms, that will be invited, tentatively, during October 2019, to present Technical and Financial Proposals, using a Quality and Cost Based Selection (QCBS) method.

Consulting firms may associate with other consulting firms with the aim of enhancing their qualifications. Working language of the consultancy will be English, and reports will therefore be presented in that language.


Consultants will be selected in accordance with the procedures set out in the Inter-American Development Bank: Policies for the Selection and Contracting of Consultants financed by the Inter-American Development Bank GN-2350-[9}. Firms and individuals recognized from the Bank Member countries will be eligible as well as firms and individuals recognized as eligible by the European Union under its applicable regulations on procurement. 

The new deadline for submission of Expressions of Interest is 14:00hours August 30, 2019. Expressions of Interest must be sent to the email addresses below no later than the date and time given above.

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